Roadside village

5400Ok1Street BostandykFormer Tselinnaya street. The name "Bostandyk" is consonant with the concept of independence.Street
5478Ok2street Zhaik Received the name from the name of the river of the same nameStreet
5550Ok3street SchoolIn 2015, "Shkolnaya" Street was renamed "Mekteр".Street
5656Old4street KomsomolIdeologically obsolete name.Street
5924Old5Stepnaya streetName in Russian. The relevance of the content is inconsistent, indicating natural conditions.Street
5925Ok6Tauelsizdick StreetName of the street assigned in honor of the Independence of the Republic of KazakhstanStreet
5926Ok7 ShanyrakThe name expresses the sacred concept of a home for a Kazakh family, symbolizing family warmth and comfort.Street