Zhanatalap village

4706Ok1Abay Street. The street is named in honor of the great Kazakh poet-educator, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev.Street
4707Ok2Street I. Taimanov.Street I. Taimanov. The name of the great hero of the Kazakh people was given.Street
4708Ok3S.Datov. streetThe street is named in honor of Raw Datula, the leader of the uprising against The Russian tsarist regime, Batyr, orator, who United the Kazakhs of the younger Zhuz, in the struggle for Independence.Street
4709Ok4Street Baldauren.Street Baldauren. As it is located near the complex school-kindergartenStreet
4710Ok5M Street. Utemisov.The street is named after the famous Kazakh poet, ardent zhyrshy Makhambet UtemisovStreet
4711Ok6Tauelsizdik Street.Name in the state language. Symbolizes the bright future of the country. Meaning of the word - " independence»Street