Karagandy village

4641Ok1Atameken street The old name "Steppe" –renamed "Atameken", translated as "Fatherland". Take care of your native land!Street
4642Ok2Beybitshilik street The name is given as a symbol of friendship of the peoples of KazakhstanStreet
4643Ok3Khalyktar dostygy streetThe name is given as a symbol of mutual responsibility and care, spiritual closeness of citizens of KazakhstanStreet
4644Ok4Zhenis street The former Kirovo street was renamed Victory street, in honor of the 70th anniversary of the great Victory.Street
4645Ok5Akzhol street Previous name Plesnikova-renamed the street Akzhol with the wishes of the villagers, many good thingsStreet
4646Ok6Abai street The street is named in honor of the great Kazakh poet-educator, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev.Street
4647Ok7Akzhayik street Named with the same name with the riverStreet
4648Ok8Zhagalau street Due to the fact that it is located on the shore of the lake River, Karaganda street was named Zhagalau.Street
4649Ok9Mangilik El street The old name Post-in honor of RK President N. And.Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan's way-2050: common goal, common interests, common future" is the title of the Mangilik YEL.Street
4650Ok10Tauelsizdik street The former hospital was renamed to Actual Independence, as Kazakhstan became a sovereign country.Street
4651Ok11Birlik street The name is given as a symbol of mutual responsibility and care, spiritual closeness of citizens of KazakhstanStreet
4652Ok12Zheltoksan street The former Komsomol 16 Dec renamed the street Zheltoksan.Street