Bostandyk village

4880Ok1Yergali Ayazbayev StreetThe name of the street is given in honor of the innocently convicted politician Yergali Ayazbaev.Street
4881Ok2Street The name of the street is called Unity Day as a symbol of national unity of the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Street
4882Ok3Street Jana konysThe name of the street is determined by the main object of the street. Name in the state language.Street
4883Ok4Street Yuri GagarinThe street name was given in honor of the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR, Colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union, the first person who made a trip to outer space Yuri Gagarin.Street
4884Ok5Street T.BokinThe name of the street is given in honor of the public figure Tokash Bokin.Street
4885Ok6Street A.KushekovaThe street is named after the Great Patriotic War veteran Amirgali Koshekov.Street
4886Ok7Street T.YeleugalievThe street is named after the veteran of World War II Tasbolat Yeleugaliev.Street
4887Ok8street M.Mametova The street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Zhiengalievna Mametova.Street
4888Ok9B.Mailin streetThe name is given in honor of the writer, playwright Beimbet Mailin.Street
4889Ok10Street The street is named after Independent Kazakhstan.Street
4890Ok11Mektep streetThe name in the state language, based on the main object located on the street.Street
4891Ok12Street M.DoskalievThe street is named after the World War II veteran Mambetiyar Doskaliev.Street
4892Ok13Abai street The street is named after the great Kazakh poet, educator, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay Kunanbayev.Street
4893Ok14Street T.RyskulovThe name of the street is given in honor of one of the leaders of Alash, a unique person of the Kazakh people, the famous statesman and public figure Turar Ruskulov.Street