Algabas village

1805Ok1Esen OrazbekThe name of the street is given in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Yesen Orakbayev.Street
1806Ok2Baigabyl SmailovThe street is named after the teacher-veteran Baygabyl Smaylova.Street
1807Ok3Kerey EdilbayevThe name of the street in honor of the head of production, Hero of Socialist Labor Edilbaev Kerey.Street
1808Ok4Zeynulla ZhubandykovThe street is named after Zeynolla Zhubandykov, the founder of the Kirov village council, secretary and chairman of the village council.Street
1809Ok5PeaceName in the state language, abstract noun.Street
1810Ok6Aitkali SaparovThe street is named after the veteran of World War II Aitkali Saparov.Street
1811Ok7Zhalgas Sidaliyev The street is named after veteran teacher Zhalgas SidalievStreet
1812Ok8UnityName in the state language, abstract noun.Street