Burli village

1187Ok1The street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Zhiengalievna Mametova.Street
1189Ok2The street is named after the statesman and public figure Alma Urazbaeva.Street
1234Ok3The street is named after the veteran of the Great Patriotic War of the first director of the Temir Masin state farm, Abukhan Sisengaliyev.Street
1235Ok4The street is named after the director of the Temir Masin state farm Beisenby Kubashev.Street
1236Ok5The name of the street is associated with the main object of the street. Name in the state language.Street
1237Ok6The street is named after Madina Kozhbankyzy Begalieva, a public figure, the first engineer among female Kazakhs.Street