Karaozen village

4965Ok1Кaraоzen StreetThe street name is assigned depending on the locationStreet
4966Ok2Tauelsizdick streetThe street is named after Independent Kazakhstan.Street
4967Ok3Zhenis streetThe street is named after Victory DayStreet
4968Ok4Zheltoksan StreetThe name of the street is associated with a famous event in the history of Kazakhstan.Street
4969Ok5Beibitshilik streetName in the state language, abstract noun.Street
4970Ok6Dostyk StreetUnity and solidarity mean that there is peace and harmonyStreet
4971Ok7Gaysa Suyeugaziev streetThe name of the street was given in honor of Gais Suyugaziev, who held many senior posts in the region.Street
4972Ok8Algazy Esniyazov streetThe name of the street given in honor of Algazi Eshniyazov of Hero of Socialist LaborStreet
4973Ok9Zhuban Moldagaliev StreetThe name is in the state language, named after the famous Kazakh poet Dzhuban Moldagaliev.Street
4974Ok10Mektep streetThe name in the state language, based on the main object located on the street.Street