Talov village

5851Ok1 Naberezhnaya StreetThe name is given depending on the location of the street.Street
5852Ok2 Shkolnaya StreetThe name was given in 2000 in connection with the location of the building of a socially significant institution on this territory.Street
5853Ok3 M.Mametova streetThe name given in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Zhiengalievna Mametova.Street
5874Ok4Gagarina streetThe street is named after the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, the world's first cosmonaut, colonel, Hero of the Soviet Union Yuri Alekseevich GagarinStreet
5875Ok5S.Seifullin streetThe street is named after Saken Saduakasuly Seyfullin, the founder of modern Kazakh literature, poet and writer, statesman.Street