Akkus village

859Ok1wintering AlimbekThe name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
860Old2The name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
861Old3Name in the state language.Locality
862Old4Name in the state language.Locality
863Old5The name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
864Old6Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
865Old7The name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
866Old8Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
867Old9The name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
868Old10Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
869Old11Name in the state language.Locality
870Old12Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
871Old13The name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality
872Ok14wintering MynbaiThe name associated with the name of the person. No more accurate information was found.Locality