url | Status | № | Title | Description | Type | Map |
3895 |  | 1 | Shyganak street | The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness) | Street | |
3896 |  | 2 | I.Taimanov street | Isatai Taimanuly (1791-1838) – the organizer of the uprising against colonization of the Kazakhs in the Bokey Horde. | Street | |
3897 |  | 3 | M.Utemisuly street | The street is named after the famous Kazakh poet, ardent zhyrshy Makhambet Utemisov | Street | |
3898 |  | 4 | P.Kadomskogo street | Street, named in honor of Hero of the Soviet Union, veteran of WWII PS Sadomskov | Street | |
3899 |  | 5 | Svetlaya street | The name is associated with the natural features of the area. | Street | |
3900 |  | 6 | Zhas Otan street | The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness) | Street | |
3901 |  | 7 | Dostyk street | The name " Dostyk "(Friendship) is given as a symbol of mutual responsibility and care, spiritual closeness of citizens of Kazakhstan | Street | |
3902 |  | 8 | I.Yesenberlin street | Street in honor of the writer Iliyas Esenberlin | Street | |
3903 |  | 9 | I.Shkilev street | Name associated with the name of a local person. Full information not available | Street | |
3904 |  | 10 | Baldyrgan street | The name of the street is associated with the social object located on the ground | Street | |
3905 |  | 11 | L.Tolstoy street | Lev Tolstoy-Russian writer and thinker | Street | |
3906 |  | 12 | Astana street | Name given in honor of the famous settlement | Street | |
3907 |  | 13 | 8 Marta street | In honor of International women's day. | Street | |
3908 |  | 14 | A.Moldagulova street | Aliya Moldagulova-participant of the great Patriotic war. Hero of the Soviet Union, corporal | Street | |
3909 |  | 15 | Nekrasov street | In honor of the head of the peasant uprising in Russia Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev. | Street | |
3910 |  | 16 | Chapaev street | Vasily Chapaev-participant of the First world and Civil wars, head of the division of the red army | Street | |
3911 |  | 17 | A.Pushkin street | The street is named after the great poet, playwright, novelist, founder of Russian realism Alexander Pushkin. | Street | |
3912 |  | 18 | M.Auezov street | The street is named in honor of Mukhtar Auezov, Soviet Kazakh writer, playwright, scientist, laureate in prizes, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan. | Street | |
3913 |  | 19 | D.Nurpeisova street | The street is named after Dina Nurpeisova, a famous Kazakh composer, kuishi, dombristka, people's artist of the Kazakh SSR | Street | |
3914 |  | 20 | Ozernaya street | The name is associated with the natural features of the area. | Street | |
3915 |  | 21 | Gagarin street | The street is named after Yuri Gagarin, cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union | Street | |
3916 |  | 22 | M.Makataev street | The street is named after Mukagali Makatayev, Kazakh poet and writer, translator. | Street | |
3917 |  | 23 | S.Mendeshov street | The street is named after Seitkali Mendeshev — Kazakh Soviet statesman and public figure. | Street | |
3918 |  | 24 | Sugir street | The street was named in honor of SPIRA Alioli, Kazakh composer-kuishi, student everyone can find something Dukanova | Street | |
3919 |  | 25 | H.Esenzhanov street | The street is named after Hamza Asanovich Esenzhanov, a Soviet Kazakh writer. Laureate Of the state prize of the Kazakh SSR. | Street | |
3920 |  | 26 | Mukhit Meraly street | The street was named in honor of muheet (Mohammedia) Meralli, folk composer, singer, bard | Street | |
3921 |  | 27 | Beket batyr street | The street is named after Beket Serkebayev, a participant in the uprising of the Kazakhs against the Russian Empire in 1855-58 | Street | |
3922 |  | 28 | Kurmangazy street | The great Kazakh kuishi is a composer.Classic of Kazakh instrumental music art. | Street | |
3923 |  | 29 | M.Mametova street | The street is named after Manshuk Mametova, WWII participant, machine gunner, Hero of the Soviet Union | Street | |
3924 |  | 30 | B.Momyshuly street | The street is named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly, Hero of the Soviet Union, writer, WWII commander, Panfilovtsy, participant of the battle for Moscow | Street | |
3925 |  | 31 | D.Kunaev street | In honor of the first Secretary of Kazakhstan Dinmukhamed Kunayev. | Street | |
3926 |  | 32 | Zh.Jabaev street | The street was named in honor of Zhambyl Zhabaev, a Kazakh poet, zhyrshy | Street | |
3927 |  | 33 | Matrosov street | The street is named after Alexander Matrosov, Hero of the Soviet Union | Street | |
3928 |  | 34 | Bolnichnyi street | The name is associated with the location of social facilities | Street | |
3929 |  | 35 | Sholokhov street | The street is named after Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, Russian Soviet writer, journalist and screenwriter, war correspondent, Colonel, Nobel prize Winner | Street | |
3930 |  | 36 | Priuralnaya street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3931 |  | 37 | Abai street | The name is given in honor of the great Kazakh poet-educator, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbayev. | Street | |
3932 |  | 38 | Satpayev street | Kanysh Imantaiuly Satbaev - academician, geologist, organizer of science and public figure. | Street | |
3933 |  | 39 | Per.Almatinskyi street | The name given in honor of the famous settlement. | Street | |
3934 |  | 40 | Sadovaya street | Name associated with economic activity | Street | |
3935 |  | 41 | Abylai Khan street | Abylay Khan (real name Abulmansur) is one of the greatest khans in the history of the Kazakh Horde. | Street | |
3936 |  | 42 | Leonov street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3937 |  | 43 | Aitiev street | Abdrakhman Aitiyev is one of the authors who studied the history of the revolutionary movement and civil war in the Western region of Kazakhstan for the first time, a statesman. | Street | |
3938 |  | 44 | Pesochnyi street | The semantic content is mild, outdated | Street | |
3939 |  | 45 | Kolhoznyi street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3940 |  | 46 | Per.Daryinski street | The name given in honor of the famous settlement. | Street | |
3941 |  | 47 | Per.Sovietskyi street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3942 |  | 48 | Per.Kruglyi street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3943 |  | 49 | Per.Festivalnyi street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3944 |  | 50 | Novoselov street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3945 |  | 51 | Per.Komsomolskyi street | Ideologically obsolete name | Street | |
3946 |  | 52 | Per.Ozernyi street | The name assigned in honor of the famous settlement. | Street | |