village Shyngyrlay

465Ok1Akbulak rural districtName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Village District
466Ok2rural district of AktauName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Village District
467Ok3Akshat rural districtAccording to locals, the historical nameVillage District
468Ok4rural district AlmazName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Village District
469Ok5Ardak rural districtName in the state language. Means “dear, lovely”Village District
470Ok6rural district AshchysayName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Village District
471Ok7rural district of ShyngyrlauName in the state language. Received the name from the name of the river of the same nameVillage District
472Ok8Кaragash rural districtName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Village District
473Ok9Тhe village AkbulakName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
474Ok10village KotantalName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
476Ok11village ToratbasThe name is associated with the location (Mount Toratbas)Locality
477Ok12Segizsay villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
478Ok13the village AkkudukName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Locality
479Ok14Nizhnyi Karasay VillageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
480Ok15The village of TazhyName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Locality
481Ok16The village of AmangeldyIn 1937-38, the Lodochka station was renamed in honor of the civil war hero Amangeldy Imanov.Locality
482Ok17The village of ZhinishkeName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
483Ok18Taldysai villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
484Ok19village MyrzagаraName associated with the person’s nameLocality
485Old20Tuzovo razez villageName associated with the person’s nameLocality
486Ok21Shyngyrlau villageName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Locality
487Ok22Shoktybai villageName associated with the person’s nameLocality
488Ok23Zhanakush villageThe name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Locality
489Ok24Urysai villageName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Locality
490Ok25Kyzylkol villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
491Ok26Aksugum villageName in the state language. The name is associated with events taking place in the area.Locality
492Ok27Karagash villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
493Ok28Kaindy villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
494Ok29Aksuat village Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
495Ok30Kargaly villageName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Locality
522Ok31Muhambetov streetNamed in honor of a resident of the village of Lubenka B.Mukhambetov - a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, a gentleman of the Order of GloryStreet
526Ok32S.Seifullin streetThe street is named after Saken Saduakasuly Seyfullin, the founder of modern Kazakh literature, poet and writer, statesman.Street
529Ok33street Zh.ZhabayevThe famous Soviet poet of the Kazakh SSR, with his songs inspired the soldier for exploits.Street
530Ok34Y.Altynsarin streetThe street is named after the Kazakh educator, writer, folklorist, public figure, ethnographer Ybyray AltynsarinStreet
532Ok35Abay street Named after the great poet of the Kazakh peopleStreet
533Ok36A.Tikhonenko streetThe name is in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union, a resident of the village Luben А.Tikhonenko.Street
535Ok37M.Auezov streetGreat Kazakh writer, public figure, scientist.Street
539Ok38B.Mukhambetov streetB.Mukhambetov, a war veteran, holder of the Order of Glory, lived in the village of LubenkaStreet
561Old39Dmitryi Beschasov streetName associated with last name.Street
562Ok40Konakai streetThe street got its name from the name of the river of the same nameStreet
563Ok41Marshal Zhukov streetThe street is named after Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, the Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of two orders of "Victory"Street
564Ok42Yntymak street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
565Ok43Kazimov streetName associated with last name.Street
566Ok44Kazakhstan street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
567Ok45Makhambet Utemisov street The street is named after the famous Kazakh poet, fiery fatty Makhambet UtemisovStreet
569Ok46Manat Bakytuly Erzhanov streetManat Bakhitovich was born on the territory of the Kirov Village Council of Chingirlau District. All his life he worked for the good of the people and made a huge contribution to the development of Chingirlau region.Street
570Ok47Lukpan Klyshev streetLukpan Klishev was born in the village of Kargaly. Biologist, academician.Street
571Ok48Radik Kaimuldiev street The street is named after the internationalist warrior Radik Kaymuldiev, who was awarded the posthumously Order of "Aybyn" 2 degrees for the courage and heroism shown in the battle with the Afghan Mujahideen.Street
572Ok49Amangeldy street Name in honor of the Hero of the Civil War Amangeldy ImanovStreet
573Ok50Mametova street The name given in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Zhiengalievna Mametova.Street
574Ok51Didar Hamitov streetDidar Khamitov is a veteran of the Afghan war.Street
575Ok52Gani Muratbaev streetThe street is named after Gani Muratbaev, a well-known public figure, the founder of the Komsomol in the Kazakh SSR.Street
576Ok53Abai Kunanbayev street The street is named after the great Kazakh poet, enlightener, reformer of Kazakh literature and literary language, philosopher, composer Abay (Ibrahim) Kunanbaev.Street
577Ok54General Ivan Panfilov streetThe street is named after Major General, Hero of the Soviet Union, Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov.Street
578Ok55Yuri Gagarin streetThe street is named after the USSR pilot-cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union, the first cosmonaut in the world, Colonel Yuri Alekseevich GagarinStreet
579Ok56Zhenis street Naming reflects the achievement of great goals, high results.Street
580Ok57Kuantaev streetName associated with last name.Street
581Old58Georgyi Shevtsov streetThe street is named after the Hero of the Soviet Union, the holder of the Order of Lenin and the Red Star medal of Georgy Georgievich Shevtsov.Street
582Ok59Tauelsizdik street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
583Ok60IsataiTaimanov street The street is named after Isatay Taymanov, the leader of the Kazakh national liberation uprising in 1836-1838 against the authorities of the Inner Horde and the Ural Cossacks.Street
584Ok61Syrym Datuly street The street is named after the famous hero, the talented speaker Syrym Datov, a prominent leader of the Kazakh uprising of the Younger Zhuz, a fighter against the colonial policy of tsarist Russia.Street
585Ok62Street Bokenbay BatyrKanzhigaly Bogenbai batyr is a national hero, the great Kazakh commander who united three Kazakh zhuzesStreet
586Ok63Beibitshilik street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
587Ok64Alia Moldagulova streetName assigned in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union, sniper Alia Nurmukhambetovna MoldagulovaStreet
588Ok65Кalampyr Rakhimov streetThe name is given in honor of the People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kalampyr RakhimovaStreet
589Ok66Iskaliev street Name associated with last name.Street
590Ok67Dostyk street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
591Ok68Gabdolla Tokai streetThe name of the street in honor of the Tatar poet, publicist Gabdulla Tukay, who lived 12 years in UralskStreet
592Ok69Kokzhailau streetThe name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
593Ok70Aksai streetName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street
594Ok71Tihonenko streetThe street is named after Andrei Yakovlevich Tikhonenko, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of Lenin.Street
595Ok72Street Embankment of the river IlekName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street
596Ok73Tasmagambetova Algali street  Named after the Honorary Citizen of Shyngyrlau District, deputy of district and regional maslikhats.Street
597Ok74street Hiwasa DospanovaPilot of the Great Patriotic War, navigator-shooter. People's Hero of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Street
598Ok75Muhambetov street Name associated with last name.Street
599Ok76street Sagidulla Zhaksygaliuly Named after Sagidulla Dzhaksygaliev - holder of the orders of the October Revolution, Friendship of Peoples, three orders of the Red Banner of Labor, "Badge of Honor", the title of Honored Worker of the Kazakh SSR, deputy of the regional and district council of people's deputies.Street
603Ok77Saga streetName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street
604Ok78Samalyksai streetName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street
609Ok79Bolashak street The name arose in connection with the new social system (consciousness)Street
610Ok80Kumkuduk streetName in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street
611Ok81Aksugum street Name in the state language. The name is associated with the natural features of the area.Street