url | Status | № | Title | Description | Type | Map |
1208 |  | 1 | Street H. Dospanova | The street is named after the only Kazakh woman pilot of the Second World War, a soldier, Halyk Kaharmany of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dospanova Hiuaz Kairovna. | Street | |
1211 |  | 2 | | The street is named in honor of the famous doctor, the Excellent worker of health care of Kazakhstan Alexander Alexandrovich Gerasimov. | Street | |
1212 |  | 3 | | The street is named after the excellent student of the national education, Honored Teacher of Kazakhstan, local historian Zaripov Gumar. | Street | |
1213 |  | 4 | | The street is named after the prominent composer, Lenin Komsomol laureate, Honored Artist, People's Artist of Kazakhstan, Professor Zhumaniyazov Bazarbai Sagadievich | Street | |
1214 |  | 5 | Zhangirkhan Street | The street is named after the last Khan of Bokey Orda, the great-grandson of Abulkhair, the grandson of Nurala Khan, the son of Bokey Khan, Major General, Honorary Member of Kazan University Zhangir Khan. | Street | |
1215 |  | 6 | street M. Zylkacheva | The street is named after Zulkashev Mulkay, the permanent leader of the district. | Street | |
1216 |  | 7 | street O.Dilmasheva | The street is named after the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, teacher Orazbay Dilmashev. | Street | |
1217 |  | 8 | T. Zharokov street | The street is named after the famous Kazakh poet Tair Zharokov. | Street | |
1219 |  | 9 | Street Sh. Sharafutdinov | The street is named after the head of the cooperative Shangerey Sharafutdinova. | Street | |
1221 |  | 10 | Mohammed-Salyk Babazhanov street | The street is named after the ethnographer, public figure, enlightener Babadjanov Muhamed-Salih. | Street | |