village Zhanakala

The region was founded in 1930. The area of the district is 20.8 thousand square meters. Km. The population of the district as of January 1, 2017 was 24,311 thousand people. The average population density in the district (per 1 sq. Km of territory) is 1.2 people. The territory of the region is located within the Caspian lowland. Its surface represents a plain composed of a thickness of Quaternary sediments, slightly inclined to the south towards the Caspian region. According to the nature of the relief, the territory of the district is divided into the northern part, represented by a slightly wavy plain and the southern part occupied by fixed and loosely anchored sands. Loose loose sands - barkhans are found in separate, small up to 2 square kilometers, squares. The height of the barkhans does not exceed 3-6 meters. The largest rivers are: Bolshoy Uzen - length 70 km, Maly Uzen - length 60 km, Kushum - total length 90 km, Mukhor - total length 25 km. The main soils of the region are light chestnut, complexes of light chestnut soils with solonetzes, brown soils, solonchaks. The vegetation cover is represented by a gray-wormwood association with an admixture of chamomile, milk, zhitnyaka and ephemerals. The center of the district is located in Zhangala, founded in 1972. The distance from the district center to the city of Uralsk is 252 km. In the district there are 9 settlement and rural districts.